Things You Should Know About ESS Payroll Portal
The first thing that you need to know about an ESS payroll portal is that it helps employees view their payroll information and print it as per their convenience. They can get access to their payroll history so that they can see the paychecks they have received earlier. Getting hard copies of pay stubs In some cases, your employees may need hard copies of these payment documents. In such cases, they can use the portal and get printed copies of the same. You too can take things forward in this regard by providing your employees electronic copies of these pay stubs at their ESS (employee self-service) accounts. This way you would be one step closer to moving towards a payroll program where you have completely negated the need for paper. Updating their bank details Your employees can also use the ESS payroll portal to update their bank account details. This comes in handy when you are directly depositing their payment in said accounts....